<p>im an international student living in america, and i hear the competition for this is like so disgusting that only perfect people get in to top schools..what are my chances at an ivy league if i have 91 gpa, 2190 SAT , 780 math IIC, 770 bio, and extracurricular stuff i guess just typical stuff. Be honest cuz i wanna know my chances as an international student not a normal one at top tier schools such as the ivys. thanks.</p>
<p>I think your SAT is fine
Im an international student living in america too and yeah, its REALLY competitive
I asked around a lot of people and they told me that any SAT I thats 2150+ is fine although it wont be considered competitive.
as for GPA, is that unweighted or weighted?
I think your GPA might be considered low compared to the crazy international applicant pool</p>
<p>I heard for Math IIC, almost every international gets 800
but then again there are those that doesn’t get it, and 780 is fine i think</p>
<p>Maybe you should, and I too LOL, work on the essay because i heard that good essay can stand out among the international pool applicants since its hard to stand out on standard score wiseeeee</p>
<p>You are fine but… I will repeat again, if you apply to TOP TOP, like top 5, you need 800 in math 2. Curve is too generous, you can make up to 6-7 mistakes and get 800. So if you submit 800, adcoms don’t know how many mistakes you made, 0 or 7, but if you submit 780 - they know you didn’t do really well.</p>
<p>It also depends on your country, motivation, plans on the future e.t.c.</p>
<p>to tell you the truth, as an international student, your chances are sort of low, but nonetheless you still have a chance</p>
<p>I would think that international students living in the US have a better chance of getting accepted than international students living in other countries because they are American educated and admission officers are more familiar with their education. I see students at prep boarding schools in the northeast who are international but living here, getting accepted to a lot of the ivys.</p>
<p>Your scores are fine- don’t stress. Work on your essay, because that’s what breaks or makes even the best of us. International stuents have very slim chances of getting accepted into the ivy league schools- but if you tell them your story, and why you truly deserve to be there, you will have a good shot.</p>
<p>im an international student with SAT of 2090, is that competitive for top 20 schools??</p>