Question about my senior schedule

<p>I'm planning to take ENGL 1B and ART 1.1 at my local JC, AP Physics, AP Biology, AP Calc, and AP Economics. Is this a reasonable schedule for a senior in high school? The only 2 classes i'm worried about is AP Physics and Biology because my sister has warned me not to take 2 science classes in 1 year because of the fact that AP Bio takes a ton of time, but i've also heard that this is a very common thing for students in competitive high schools. Also, I'm not sure how much time college admission stuff and takes and not to mention studying for the SAT. So my question is, should I keep my schedule the way it is?</p>

<p>Oh man, your schedule sounds like mine this year. :confused: I’m not entirely certain of what to tell you. Only that if you carefully manage each class day to day, it shouldn’t be too much.
And I didn’t think AP Physics was that bad. So, don’t freak out. :)</p>