<p>Soooo would u guys say it's better to spead out your classes...like a mon, tues, wed, thurs schedule or take all three so that I only go to school two days a week like mon/wed?
I'm scared that if I only go two days a week, that every assignment will be due on the same days and it might be overwhelming...any insight on my little problem? I'm completely confused on what to do.</p>
<p>I would worry more about picking classes you like.</p>
<p>I would avoid too many classes on 1 day for two reasons:</p>
<p>A. If you are sick, and need to miss a day, or want to miss for any other reason, you will miss far more than if your schedule is spread out
B. You won’t get burned out as much</p>
<p>As for having assignments due on the same dates and blah blah blah, it doesn’t matter. The days you don’t have class will balance that out in the sense you have complete days of free time.</p>
<p>Ya that’s true…but I have two added right now History 114E (History of Rome) on Monday/Wed 4 to 5:15 and History 101 (Topics in World History) on Tues/Thurs 3:30-4:45 and I plan to drop one anyways but I’m like scared to do the whole MW thing…I have two other classes that I’m taking for sure and they are both MW</p>
<p>I would just take the classes that you want. I mean if you get sick you aren’t necessarily going to miss more classes. It’s more like gambling, if you’re sick on a Tuesday or Thursday, then you win because you won’t miss anything. If you’re sick more than one day you’re going to miss all your classes anyway. As far as having all assignments due on one day, well it won’t be a problem as long as you keep up with the work. I like it better when I can spread out my classes as much as possible, but when the classes I want to take don’t allow me to do that I just look at the positives of a bunched schedule. This semester I’ll have Mondays and Fridays off, so 4-day weekend every week, but I’ll miss out on every holiday.</p>
<p>I say spread it out if you can, but don’t place too much importance on it.</p>
<p>I would suggest not picking classes with finals on the same day. That’s always a killer.</p>
<p>I think it really doesn’t matter as long as you have the discipline to do your work and study for tests. However, if you know you are the type that procrastinate until the last minute (like me), having classes on different days might be a better choice for you. </p>
<p>Chances are, you are going to experience at least one semester where you have a whole bunch of classes on a single day.</p>
<p>i sometimes wonder how many hours i would save (not having to shower, primp, walk to/from school) if i crammed all my classes into 2 days. if it’s 2.5 hrs per day doing that extra stuff, a 2-day schoolweek would save me almost 8 hrs a week. that’s 8 hrs i could spend at a part-time job or volunteering or sleeping in!</p>