Question about placement test scores

Just got my placement tests results back and I got 850 in all sections of Math, English, and Spanish, which I heard is the top score? Maybe? Sources seem unclear. But if that is the top score, I’m confused about my Spanish placement. It says Spanish 226, but my friend said he placed into French 227, so I don’t understand how he could have placed into a higher class than me if I supposedly got the top score of 850. Are there different placements for French and Spanish? Seems like the tracks are engineered to be the same. Anyone know what’s going on with that?

There is no such thing as Spanish 227.

Well that would change things then… I suppose I should look at the courses before I open my big mouth. Thanks!

Spanish 226 is 5th semester Spanish. If you take it and get a B or better, you’ll get 16 retro credits as well (4 credits x 4 classes).

English: Scores of 605 or higher (out of 850) place out of the Communications A requirement.

Math Placement Algorithm you have placed into Math 221, but note additional information regarding AP Calculus scores.

OP - did I read your original posting correctly? That your friend placed into FRENCH 227? Did you mean Spanish 227? IS there a French 227?

Just curious…

There is French 227.

Thanks @Madison85. (I’m confused by the OP’s original post; didn’t provide friend’s score on the placement test.)

I don’t know his original score; all I know is he said he placed into French 227. Sorry, I guess I did word that a little strangely

Top scores usually mean you place out of classes, like you won’t be required to do a Communications A or something or a certain math class.