Question about Scholarship money

<p>Hey guys - I currently don't owe UCLA any money, as I have paid for the winter quarter. I have some scholarship money that I was awarded in high school that was never used; here's my question: do I have the scholarship funds sent to UCLA even though I don't have any outstanding debt with them? Will I be given some sort of account credit? Or should I wait until my Spring quarter bill comes up and then have it added then. </p>


<p>You should have reported your outside scholarships to UCLA before the start of the academic school year. In any case, you should definitely do it sooner rather than later so that it can be processed for the following quarter.</p>

<p>Or, if you live on campus, you can also make the check out to “regents of UC” and give it to the housing office.</p>

<p>If your scholarship check is sent out to UC Regents instead of in your name, then FAO will add that to your BAR account. </p>

<p>If you are receiving grants + you don’t owe money after the scholarship, a portion of your grants would be deducted to account for the extra gift aid you are receiving. </p>

<p>However, if you didn’t receive grants and your scholarship exceeds what you have to pay, then you should receive the remaining amount back through Bruin Direct (if signed up for).</p>

<p>As for your case, just send it in now and your eFan should be updated for Spring.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info guys :)</p>