Question about scholarship

<p>My son applied on line two days ago and I’m still surpsied at how little info they ask for? Anyways, his application is complete except for the transcript for his HS which should be sent out this week by his guidance counsler. He qualifies for the presidential scholarship. Should he complete the scholarship application now or wait until they application is complete? Please advise. Thanks.</p>

<p>We were advised last year to wait until October or November to complete the scholarship application and told there was no benefit to completing it earlier. Just be sure he doesn’t wait until late November because there can be issues with the system being overwhelmed and crashing. It isn’t difficult to complete really, but it can be difficult to judge the correct number of characters in some of the boxes. I recommend completing the info and use copy/paste to enter it into the boxes so you can use character count on the computer and spell check as a backup. I’d suggest having it complete no later than the middle of November. Once submitted, it cannot be amended.</p>

<p>My D filled it out right away last year and then had to re-do it because they changed the application. She got an e-mail instructing her to complete it again about a week or two after she first did it.</p>

<p>I would apply NOW. There’s no harm in applying now as long as this is the current scholarship app. </p>

<p>I wouldn’t wait until fall because seniors get busy and might forget.</p>

<p>Definitely withhold Thanksgiving dinner, Black Friday shopping, and the Iron Bowl from any student who doesn’t complete the scholarship application before then.:)</p>

<p>Like what Bamagirls said, do any narrative in a word document, then cut and paste. It is quite beneficial. Also, the word count was tricky last year as I recall!</p>

<p>I can’t remember if the scholarship ap requires an essay, or only the honors college. Seems like it was just yesterday we did this, but it has been a year now. Wow.</p>

<p>While the general admission ap is simple and asks for pretty much nothing…the UH, CBH, and University Fellows aps (should you chose to complete them) will give you substantial opportunities to write well and be noticed.
And, I will add…just because someone tells you that the Honors College ap paragraph is a pure formality (if you have the other stats to qualify), actually write something in there and encourage your student to take time/care on that. You never know who is reading the entire application, and you want to show effort at every turn I should think.</p>

<p>Yes, as Aeromom said you will want to put effort into any and all essays. While you’re at it, carefully explore the UFE and CBH programs before you apply. It takes quite a bit of effort to compose a proper essay for those applications and although they are prestigious, they are not for everyone. D applied to UFE and was a semifinalist which is quite an achievement in its own right with the competitive nature of the process but had no interest in CBH. We are thankful now believe it or not because as it turned out there were other opportunities which better suited her interests. She has enjoyed many wonderful opportunites she may have missed or overlooked if she had participated in UFE though I’m not knocking the program at all. I’m just saying that it is worth exploring the program and others as you consider the application process to see if it is something you really want and don’t let it discourage you if you are not selected for it.</p>