Question about Scholarships

I’ve applied to UA and been accepted already, and I was sent a scholarship offer after my acceptance letter for 2/3 tuition because of my 1390 cumulative CR+M SAT score from the October exam. I took the ACT though on December 13 and got a 33 composite. This score makes me eligible for the UA presidential scholarship. The problem is that the UA scholarship website says that everything must be in by December 15th, but it also says that the latest ACT/SAT scores that they accept are from December. My question is this: will I receive the presidential scholarship, even though my ACT scores were sent after December 15th? I sent them as soon as possible (I put UA as a score destination before taking the ACT), but the whole score wasn’t available until a few days ago. I don’t even know if UA has received my score yet.

In this case, I don’t think anyone that doesn’t work for UA admissions will be able to answer your question directly. Just wait until Monday and call. Make sure you assure them that you plan on attending but need the scholarship, if that is true.

Thanks for responding. I’m definitely planning on calling them ASAP, but I was wondering if anyone here knew anything or went through anything similar and was willing to offer advice. I’m honestly just looking to quell my anxiety while I’m waiting to call.

Yes, you will receive the Presidential based on the December score.

@Class2012Mom That’s great to hear! I’ll still call Alabama ASAP, but your response is reassuring. I’ve been looking at the costs associated with attending the university, even on a full scholarship, and – according to the cost calculator provided on the Alabama website – it would be around $20,000 per year to attend. This is almost completely unrelated to my original post, but is there any way to further decrease or help pay for these costs?

You are fine. I know that the wording sounds iffy about Dec 15, but Bama says it will accept the Dec ACT for merit.

So…congrats!!! You’re getting the Presidential!!!

Call UA on Monday, and make sure that they received your updated scores and have updated your records. You will feel better once you hear it from the source.

Yes, there are ways to cut costs and this has been discussed here many times. You can do a search and pull up some threads.

In a nutshell, you need to decide to take a lower cost housing option, not use your dining dollars (to get a refund), use your meal plan to the maximum, limit off campus eating and travel, don’t bring a car to campus, don’t get an entire new wardrobe, probably limit travel home or use the cheapest options, dont join a sorority or fraternity, and work during the summer to have extra money. You could also consider getting an on campus job.

This is well worth the small sacrifices to go to the college of your choice with a full tuition scholarship and graduate with a minimum of debt.

Good Luck!

Thanks for the help, everyone. I really do appreciate it.

@robotbldmom How much do you think I could cut out of the potential $20,000 price if I follow your advice exactly? Do you think I could eliminate all of it?

How much do you think I could cut out of the potential $20,000 price if I follow your advice exactly? Do you think I could eliminate all of it?


It’s not hard to reduce that $20k substantially, but you can’t just eliminate all of it unless you get outside scholarships plus maybe other aid.

Are you low income?

You can choose standard doubles housing, that immediately cuts a few thousand. After frosh year, you can choose a less expensive meal plan. You can buy used books or even rent books. You can avoid car permit costs by not bringing a car to campus.

You can work full time over the summer and work part-time during the school year to bring in some money.

If your parents qualify for the tuition tax credit, then maybe they will give that amount towards college.

You can borrow $5500 for frosh year.

I’m not low income; sadly, I’m in the middle class where I’m too poor to pay a lot for college, but too wealthy to qualify for substantial aid. In regard to doubles housing: is that different from honors housing? I heard that honors housing is nice, but I honestly don’t know anything about the cost.

Here are the housing rates for 2014-2015:


What are your parents saying about how much they can contribute each year. Also tell them that they can get the Tuition Tax Credit on their taxes, so can you also have THAT money.

Honors Housing is a lot more expensive than standard doubles. However, blount is also honors and it is a bit cheaper than the super suites.

I do wish Bama would build/dedicate a standard doubles dorm as Honors. Maybe tear down Paty or Somerville and put one there. Standard doubles take SO MUCH LESS room, that more beds could fit in a smaller building.

Each room could have a sink in it to relieve community bathroom use.

Each floor could have a small lounge/kitchen area…maybe next to laundry.

It is kind of sad that we have honors-qualified students who want honors housing, but the rates of the super-suites are just to high to justify or afford.

If the fear is that occupancy of the super-suites will suffer, I don’t think that is true. Bama will always have a good number of rather-affluent students grabbing those. However, there are also a good number of “regular folks” who won’t be rushing (can’t afford THAT), who want Honors housing on the north side of campus w/o the high price.

@UAHousing‌ Are you listening???

UAHousing has already stated that there will portions of existing traditional dorms designated as Honors for the 2015-2016 academic year.

oh good. When/where was that announced. And why “portions” of existing dorms? Why not make ONE an honors dorm???

What is honors housing?

Honors Housing (located in Ridgecrest South, East and West, Blount, Paty and Somerville) is a living option available to students in the Honors College. Faculty-in-Residence live in Honors Housing and interact with residents. There is also programming offered with Honors students’ interests and needs in mind. Honors housing is an option for students in the Honors College, but is not a requirement of Honors College students and is not guaranteed. Interested students can select space there, or receive assignment to Honors Housing, as space permits. In order to live in Honors Housing, all suitemates must be eligible for the community. Non-Honors College participants cannot be pulled in as roommates.

My son is looking at Ridgecrest South or East/West. East/West has a considerably larger living room than South so he is considering those. Does anyone have any input on either of the two options?

This thread might be useful

Thank you!

For Fall 2015, part of one floor of Paty will be Honors, and one floor in Blount will be Honors – per email from UA Housing a couple of weeks ago. For Fall 2014, only Ridgecrest super-suites were offered for Honors, so you have Honors kids that can’t afford super-suites spread out all over campus. Hats off to UA Housing to listening and making more options available!

Yes, this was a wonderful thing. DS really wanted the suite style, but without knowing cost increases in the future, I don’t want him to do that. He will probably apply for the Honors in Blount; a decent savings on the suites.