<p>I know I asked a similar question before but this is different.</p>
<p>First, what's the difference between AP and CL courses. The AP Chemistry course is no longer AP and it's going to be CL next year. So is it different material, or just no extra points for GPA??</p>
<p>Second...I have 3 extra periods which I can take science courses or an elective (I want to take science only)...My options are molecular biology, AP Biology, CL Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Anatomy/Phisiology...AP Bio is 2 periods...</p>
<p>I definately want to take Physics so I can take AP Physics next year. So should I do Physics+AP Bio(I'm leaning towards this) or should I do Physics+Anatomy/Phisiology+Molecular Biology (none of these are honors or AP)</p>
<p>I want to go to college and major in Biomedical Engineering if that helps..</p>