<p>do they calculate the GPA from 9th-11th grade or 9th-the first set of grades from your senior year?</p>
<p>Who is "they"</p>
<p>Are you talking about a specific college or are you trying to generalize (because you can't generalize about each college's protocol)?</p>
<p>oh sorry they=colleges</p>
<p>depends on a few things. if you're applying ED or EA, mid year reports wouldn't be out by the time you get your decision, so in that case, it would be just 9-11. if you apply regular, most colleges (don't quote me on this though) still use your 9-11 gpa, unless there is a significant change first semester of senior year (either a drop or jump), in which case they'll take that into consideration.</p>
<p>personally, it just doesn't make sense to redistribute credits and recalculate the total gpa. it would be too much of a hassle. most high schools only have 9-11 on the transcripts, and just using that number would be much easier.</p>