Question about the UCs!

<p>hey. I wanted to ask a few questions about the UCs (mostly concerning UCLA and CAL). If someone is exceptionally great at music but his/her grades are not quite up to ucla/cal standards, how easy/difficult is it to get into those schools as a music major. This is what i am sort of going through and my grades arent bad but they arent amazing either. With my intense class load, i usually end up with 2-3 Bs a semester here and there. Despite those Bs i still am in the top 5% of my class. I did varsity tennis since freshman year which really took a lot of time away from school work. Of course i am also involved with other activites. I also have some connections for UCLA, 2 people i know who are professors (1 of them who is in the arts department) at UCLA who really want me to join UCLA. How much affect can these 2 people have in helping my chances of acceptance into ucla? they said they will put in a good word for me ( i do realize that UCs dont accept letter of rec.) Thanks for your responses.</p>