Question about the Wording of a FAFSA Question

<p>Here's the question: If you will complete high school or its equivalent before you begin the 2008-2009 school year (question 27), select:</p>

<p>I finished high school in June of 2007 and I am going to be a sophomore in fall of 2008. The question confuses me because I already have finished high school... thus I "will" not complete it. I do not know whether I should leave it blank or put "High School Diploma"... </p>

<p>In the FAFSA summary it says, "High School or Equivalent Completed?" and next to it is my answer. If its blank, it looks like I did not compete high school.</p>

<p>So the answer is "Yes."</p>

<p>Okay. They still need to find a less confusing way to word it. Thanks.</p>

27. High school diploma/GED/Home Schooled/Other. Students who have completed high school or its equivalent before beginning the 2008-2009 award year should choose from the following:</p>

<p>Enter: For:
1 High school diploma
2 General Educational Development (GED) certificate
3 Home schooled
4 Other


<p>If you finished high school and have a diploma select 1 High School Diploma</p>