Question about tolerance on campus

<p>I'm a high school senior from Pennsylvania. I was accepted to TCU and am seriously considering attending. That being said, I just want to get some insight: what's the general attitude towards homosexuality at and around TCU? Is it something that's tolerated, discouraged, what? I understand there's a GSA on campus.</p>

<p>Everyone from the southern US that I've met has been very open-minded and charming, so I really don't want to believe the awful southern stereotypes. </p>

<p>Any thoughts? Thanks guys!</p>

<p>I do not know specifically what the attitude or the number of gay students is at TCU, but I can say my child, who is an open minded, tolerant person, and believes everyone has a right to live openly as they choose, will be going to TCU in the fall. My child is part of a religious minority, and appreciates that TCU is trying to attract people from diverse backgrounds who will enrich the TCU community and have it be a microcosm of the greater world in which we live. </p>

<p>Fort Worth has changed over the years as diverse people from around the country and world have found the benefits of living here, and have made the city a much more interesting place in which to live. The cultural amenities here far exceed other similar sized cities. Although not as large as Dallas, Fort Worth seems to have a strong gay and lesbian community. No, this is not New York or San Francisco, but please don’t think we are all a bunch of conservative bigots down here. I hope you will feel welcome.</p>

<p>good info.</p>