Question about transcripts

Well greetings. I am an international applying to the USA this year, and I have a question regarding transcripts. Since they’re not in English, I need to get notarized translations, which cost A LOT in my country (and I’m not very rich either). I am applying to around 10 colleges - and this is where the issue is. Do I need to send each college a separate original notarized translation (i.e. get 10 translations and pay lots of money)? Or can just sent them copies/scans (this would be a lot better)? Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

You would have to contact each college and find out their policy. However, if I were to hazard a guess I bet each college will want their own notarized translation.

Some will require that you have your transcripts formally evaluated by an organization such as If you have that done, some will accept the evaluation and will only require an original copy of your transcript, not a translation.

For help with this whole process, contact the closest Advising Center of The counselors there will have useful information for you.