Question about Transferring Schools at UVA

<p>Hey all,</p>

<p>I was wondering if its possible to say, be admitted to the University of Virginia Engineering School. But then, would one be able to transfer from the school to the College of Arts and Sciences?</p>

<p>Reason Im asking is because I either want to do Engin. or Finance. As of now, I'm leaning towards engineering. But I was wondering, if I were to get into the engineering school, and I wanted to go to the college of Arts and Sciences as a Freshman, what is the wait period which is required to transfer from the Engin. School to the CAS.</p>

<p>Thank you very much.</p>

<p>PS: I know you can get into McIntire from Engin. If I chooes to go that route however, I would probably wanna go through CAS.</p>

<p>You cannot transfer out of the e-school until the end of your first year. Dang rules.</p>

<p>Is there anywhere that says this? I’m just curious because I wasn’t able to find anything online</p>

<p>It’s probably not online anywhere, unless you look in the Undergrad Record. But, it’s a known fact. I’m an e-schooler, I know.</p>

<p>yep shoebox is right.</p>

<p>but just do arts and sciences, engineering is gay anyway. if you decide you dont want to do engineering you’ve wasted you’re whole college experience on something extremely specific and borderline useless. Of course if you stick with it it’s guaranteed employment.</p>

<p>Fallacy, you seem to be new here. So let me be the first to welcome you. And let me also be the first to warn you to be careful with what you post; you’re a reflection of this university and using the word “gay” in a derogatory manner is offensive, especially when you reflect this school’s student body. Please use more appropriate language.</p>

<p>inter, fallacy’s post is in fact a fallacy. In no way is engineering “gay.” I’m a CLAS student and the things that engineering students do are incredible. In fact, the things everyone does here are in incredible. I know quite a few 1st years in the engineering school and they love it. It’s a lot of work, but it pays off. Having an engineering degree is also a bonus going through job interviews; they’re looking for people who have a “how can I solve this?” mentality and people with engineering degrees are associated with that. If your juggling between engineering and CLAS, I would definitely apply to SEAS. It’ll be easier for you to switch out than switch in. If you plan on applying to the comm school after your first semester, then don’t worry about being able to fulfill the prereqs. I know someone who did that, and they finished their requirements with a little finessing. Remember, even though a student is in engineering, they can still take classes in other schools (clas, comm, arch, etc.)</p>

<p>I agree with db. If you’re borderline, go SEAS. You’ll knock out your math/science reqs, at minimum. Also, there’s an engineering-business minor program, and with systems engineering, you can tailor your degree to focus in the financing side of engineering. </p>

<p>Fallacy: 1) your first sentence was mean. 2) you won’t waste your “whole college experience” by doing a year of engineering. 3) engineering is not specific, and definitely not useless. Who do you think designed your computer? 4) engineering is not guaranteed employment.</p>

<p>on the other hand, keep in mind that good grades are harder to come by in the eschool (especially if you’re hating it) and that would affect your chances for the comm-school. A’s aren’t impossible (for the 2nd semester in a row, it was 50% As in CS101) but it’s certainly a lot of work and you have to like what you’re doing or else you’ll lose motivation and not put in the work and thus not do well. what db says is also true, it is near impossible to switch IN to the eschool because of the rigid first year curriculum they have.</p>