Question about UA's Engineering Scholarship

<p>I have one quick question about the University of Alabama’s scholarship for engineering students. UA has a UA and Presidential scholarship, with the UA scholarship needing a 30-31 ACT and Presidential needing a 32+ ACT score. I scored a 31 on my ACT which qualifies me for the UA Scholarship. However, the engineering college says anyone with a 30-31 ACT receives a tuition supplement which will pay for the rest of the tuition and award $2,500 per year.</p>

<p>I know the UA Scholarship is automatic and should receive notice soon after I am accepted. My question is, will I also receive a letter saying I am also eligible for the engineering scholarship or will I need to select an option on the scholarship application in order to be eligible?</p>

<p>Why not try for the 32+ on your ACT. That way you could switch out of engineering or computer science if you wanted or needed to do so.</p>

<p>The UA website states that you must fill out the scholarship application.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The Engineering scholarship is automatic, you do not need to do anything for it!</p>

<p>Yes, retake the test and try for that 32. You are only one point away from full flexibility…engineering or any other major.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t risk not submitting the school’s scholarship app. I would submit it, it doesn’t take long to do. No essays, just put in the basic info. Don’t worry about listing every EC or award.</p>

<p>Did you put some kind of eng’g as your chosen major?</p>

<p>In other threads it has been mentioned that students have been asking about filling out the scholarship application and were told “yes, to fill it out”. If I were an applicant, I would most definitely fill it out.</p>

<p>@Cuttlefish I will probably sign up for the December ACT, as I believe I saw the December ACT/SAT are the last tests they will accept. (CR is my Achilles’s heel on both tests)</p>

<p>@mom2collegekids I did select Mechanical Engineering on my application</p>

<p>I’m looking at the application and (unless I am overlooking), I don’t see anything mentioning the scholarship for engineering students. Am I eligible for just submitting the application or is there an option on the application I am overlooking?</p>

<p>Thanks for all the help!</p>

<p>Bump, anyone know if I could theoretically just send in a blank scholarship application and still be considered?</p>

<p>TexasApex, I would take the time to fill out the scholarship application. While many of UA’s scholarships are automatic and not based on subjective criteria, the best approach is to be respectful enough of the process to not cut any corners.</p>

<p>Ok, I was just wondering if there was a specific step I had to take.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help</p>

<p>Bump, anyone know if I could theoretically just send in a blank scholarship application and still be considered?</p>

<p>Blank? With just your name? I don’t think that’s a good idea. Fill out some basic stuff. Don’t worry about listing every EC or award. Just copy/paste from a list. </p>

<p>every applicant should have a Word doc with a listing of ECs/awards, etc that they can just copy paste from when needed.</p>


<p>I understand, I just wanted to get clarification on if consideration was based solely on admission. I only have minimal ECs and volunteer service, but I will put down what I can</p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>I just think turning in a blank app “looks bad” even if it’s a formality. Don’t worry that you have minimal ECs. Just put a few down and move on.</p>

<p>Roll Tide.</p>

<p>As one of the lovely parents here on cc advised us, it is a really good idea create a resume with all your awards/activities included. My son did this and found it useful right away (I think he said he needed to upload it for his honor college application).</p>