<p>i don’t have my ursa updated with anything, no financial aid summary, neither has my bf, both of our EFC is way over cost of attendance so we won’t be getting anything anyways, could this be why?</p>
<p>yeah well i don’t have anything so maybe i’m running out of luck, sad sad but i’ll wait until i get the actual decision letter before i get upset.</p>
<p>The more I think about it, I somehow doubt they would put out a provisional statement for those of us with an EFC greater than the attendance cost.
It just seems logical that they wouldn’t have any info for us.
I mean what would they have to put there in the first place?
$0 here, $0 there etc etc</p>
<p>I don’t know, I guess I’m just being paranoid:(</p>
<p>Don’t lose hope guys even if you can’t see your FA summaries.
UCLA is taking their dear sweet time with everything.</p>
<p>IseeLA, they have to enter all the financial aid info for all admitted students, even if their EFCs are greater than the attendance cost. Imagine being admitted, then checking the UCLA financial aid site, only to find that they have no information at all for you. That simply wouldn’t happen. They have to give you the figures even if they aren’t providing you any aid, essentially showing you how much money you’ll have to contribute and WHY you don’t qualify. I know that my contributions exceeded the cost of UCD last year, and after I was admitted all my financial aid was still available–it HAS to be if you’ve been admitted.</p>
<p>^ I see, thanks for the info. I just assumed it was only updated with financial aid awards/grants. I just looked back at the other threads with the financial aid info and it does include a breakdown of the cost of attendance.
I guess was getting ahead of myself. </p>
<p>I’m just worried because I can see my FA summary but I can’t see the new info others are posting. Oh well :|</p>
<p>even if your EFC exceeds, you will still have an ePAL. Give it some time for the ePAL. I spoke with the FA office and they said all ePALs will be up no later than monday.</p>