Question about UIUC

I’m an incoming senior and was wondering if I can get into geology or geography.

Can I get in since it says guaranteed admission with at least a 2.0 GPA?

I believe that means after you been at U of I two years, Admission would be for Junior of year of college

What is the lowest acceptance rate at one of the schools at UIUC and what is my best chance?
My stats are on another forum page but here it is to sum it up.

2.8 GPA
1200 SAT
Many clubs and sports
Many medals in Science Olympiad
Scholarship for violin sophomore year.

Your message to me this morning said “SAT is an 1150 and ACT is 25 Can I get into UIUC EA at the DGS program” Your ACT has gone from 28 in June to 25 today which is a big difference for some majors. As I said in my reply, I think your best best is to apply to your desired major at UIUC, make sure you have a couple safety schools and go visit your high school counselor to discuss your target schools. The website is down right now, but this page shows the middle 50 percent of various majors at UIUC:

If this year’s application is the same, you can also enter a secondary major that will be considered if you aren’t accepted into the primary one.

One tip about the application that screwed over a friend of mine:

If you’re interested in DGS (aka the undeclared major) as a secondary major, make sure to explicitly list it as your alternate major. You’ll get automatically considered for DGS if you list 2 majors, but won’t be if you only list one.