Question about UW?

<p>I just got accepted and im wondering if i should bring my car. I live in Miami and i'd like to be able to take myself around up there. I know i wont really be able to park on campus for class as a freshman but for everything else i feel like a car would be useful. Do a lot of people bring their cars? Is having a car an advantage?</p>

<p>It is useful but don't be temped to drive it much downtown as parking is scarce and you will be ticketed. Very nice to have for trips to the country or down to Chicago.</p>

<p>Thanks barrons. Could you or anyone else tell me a little more about the advantages and disadvantages of having a car? Will i even be able to get a spot at my dorm the first year?</p>

<p>I don't think any of the dorms have parking. If you can get a parking spot, it is likely to be a bus ride from your dorm.</p>

<p>When I took my position at UW I specifically looked for an apartment on a bus line. Parking is very hard for faculty and staff and extremely difficult for students. It's also very hard to find parking downtown. </p>

<p>You will get free bus passes for Madison Metro and the campus buses are free so why don't you come first semester without a car and see how you do?</p>

<p>Parking is available for around 85 to 100 dollars a month. So you could be in a dorm the first year and still get parking but it would not be University Parking.......private parking in downtown and in some homes in Madison may be available. I am sure you can do a search and find out online. It will cost you like 1200 a year to find parking and then the risk of leaving it unused for weeks on end, parked away from where you can get to it easily. I would suggest a bicycle for the winter and roller blades for the summer....and save the 1200 bucks for taxi rides and rental cars!!</p>

<p>We parents were specifically told at SOAR students should not bring cars for practical reasons, and knowing the campus, I agree. There are free campus buses and free City of Madison bus passes (actually you pay with your mandatory student fees...). If you have a car and pay the above $$$ (we were told much higher parking costs for apts) to park it you will find you won't be using it- can't for going to classes, the lot is on the far west end of campus and nothing available close to classroom buildings, no time savings. Everything you would want to do is on or near campus, or at least on a busline. Some people have scooters, I heard they're starting to require licenses and other regs because of the number. There are financial disadvantages to having a car on or near campus; I know of no advantages. Madison is not a commuter campus, and people tend to stick around on weekends, finding plenty to do. BTW, plan to buy your cold weather gear after you arrive.</p>

<p>I think as an OOS student a car is handier for getting out of town and hauling stuff to and from school. It is hard to rent a car if you are under 25 and going for a cruise through the countryside in Fall is something OOS can enjoy as part of the experience. Buses just are not the same. Just leave it parked in Lot 60 during the week.</p>

<p>I guess in the end it all depends on your financial status. If parents are footing the bill and have deep pockets as is the position for many out of state students, then go for it by all means. My daughter knows 2 girls from our hometown, who are freshmen and both have cars in Madison. Makes it very convenient for my daughter to get a ride back home on weekends and such :))</p>

<p>During my senior year, I put my car on free street parking spots further away from campus. The only hassle was moving the car (to a different side of the street) every other day during a winter storm. </p>

<p>I did get a few parking tickets during the winter months. However, I still ended up saving $$$$ on parking and having my car within 15 minutes of bus ride during most of the years.</p>

<p>Huge number of mopeds and scooters on campus often driven dangerously. The University now requires them to be registered and that they be parked in marked spaces.</p>

<p>Parking is a major pain in the --- in downtown Madison. I also agree that driving is dangerous. Mopeds... pedestrians.... bikes... oh my. It's a mess from 9am-7pm. To avoid it, I park my car in the park-n-ride and ride the bus the rest of the way in.</p>

<p>Honestly, I'd do without the car for the first year. You can find everything you need on a busline. Besides that, you'll be busy... You might not have the time to make all the trips you imagine yourself taking. See what your driving needs are before you plunk down all that money for a parking spot.</p>