Question About V-Tech admission

<p>I'm a senior whos trying to apply to Tech, regular decision. It saids that for essay/personal statement that it is optional ,but could do up to 3. I plan to do 3 if I can do you think this will higher my chances of acceptance if the essays are legit? Also I'm trying to get in to the school of engineering ,is there a seperate essay for that major/school? In addition it saids I don't need a recommendation would it be better if I still send one? Because I have a excellent teacher for my recommendation letter.</p>

<p>If you can do 3 good essays, do 3, it can only help. However if they say they don’t want recs don’t bother sending them. Last year I sent my SAT subject scores because I figured it couldn’t hurt; I later found out that they literately threw them away when they showed up in the mail.</p>

<p>IMHPO 1 strong essay will do more good than 3 crappy essays. The content will matter. If you are going to do 3 make sure they are all strong.</p>