question about volunteering/work experience

<p>what is exactly considered volunteering?</p>

<p>i have key club, but i also have this class in school called "math tutoring"...its a credit class (0.5) and you get a grade in it if you have tutored X amount of people were grading period...however, is that also considered volunteering (if i didnt take that class, i would have to take a required study hall instead, its not like im dropping some AP class to take it)</p>

<p>also, it says to list paid work experience including summer...what if you had an interneship (unpaid)? I know that it is not paid, but still, i would consider it more of a work experience than just mowing my neighbors' lawn. if you cant put that under work experience, where would you put it? under ECs? but i dont have enough room there.</p>


<p>I suggest putting the unpaid internship under “work” and just noting that it was unpaid.</p>

<p>You could put your math volunteering under “volunteering”, but also mention that it was part of a class.</p>