Question about word count for personal statement

<p>Hi there, I'm applying to UC schools now. I'm done with my personal statment but it seems a little short, about 660 words. I don't know if this is gonna affect my admission or not cuz lots my friends are hitting the 1000 words limit..</p>


<p>if its 660 words for both essays then that is definately on the short side.</p>

<p>Yeah, it’s 660 for both essays, I think it’s too short…Cuz a TAP advisor revised it for me and told me not to add any more info…So I really don’t know how to cope with this situation now…</p>

<p>This will not affect your admission. They ask you for 2 personal statements with at least 250 words per statement not totaling over 1000 words. As long as you are satisfied and have met at least 250 per personal statement then there is nothing to fret over. It is the quality of the content and not the quantity that matters.</p>