Question again on common app.

<p>So are there only 2 lines of address? For MIT i had 5. All I have for the common app though is the street address and the city/ state etc.</p>

<p>Is this right? Will my mail reach the office of admissions or what. I am just wondering. MIT had specificly everything on it. 1st line - Office of Admissions 2. MIT 3. Room 3-108, and 4 and 5 are the street adress and city/state.</p>

<p>So will my common apps forms reach the schools i apply to with only 2 lines of info?</p>

<p>Write the entire address on the envelope if you're sending something through the mail.
if you're submitting the common app online, it will get to whatever school you choose online.</p>

<p>Noo this is for the extra stuff (Teacher recs etc.). I am worrying. I have 21 total envelopes for the common app stuff. I am wondering what will happen if I mis spell even one word or I put down the wrong thing. Will my thing be lost in the mail forever? OR what...</p>

<p>And how do I know from common app if anything is lost in the mail or if the colleges recieved anything.... i am worrying.</p>

<p>On the things you submit through common app online you can see the date that they downloaded your forms.</p>

<p>For things sent, just make sure you don't make mistakes. It shouldn't matter if you misspell one word or something, but don't take the chance.</p>

<p>You're applying to 21 schools?! WOW!</p>

<p>Call the schools a few weeks after you've applied to make sure they received everything.</p>

<p>Noo i meant 21 letters (3 for each school lol. 1 transcript. 2 recs.). This does not even include the final reports or mid years lol.. another 14 there and omg... i hate this.</p>

<p>you can send all your school things in one envelope.</p>