<p>First of all, thank you for taking the time to perform this service. It is very helpful to hear from someone’s first hand experiences.</p>
<p>No problem, its my pleasure. I know what i felt like before coming here so this is just to ease some of the tension :)</p>
<li>What is your major?</li>
<p>My major is currently Biological Sciences.</p>
<li>Do you know much about the Liberal Arts studies at FSU? I am referring to the English, History, Humanities and Philosophy studies.</li>
<p>Yes but i think this link will give you more information than i can:
[FSU</a> General Bulletin](<a href=“http://registrar.fsu.edu/bulletin/undergrad/info/undergrad_degree.htm]FSU”>http://registrar.fsu.edu/bulletin/undergrad/info/undergrad_degree.htm)</p>
<p>Just scroll down to the Liberal Studies Requirements or the Liberal Studies Program and there is loads of information :)</p>
<li>As a freshman, did you ever feel like just a number? Were you able to get TA’s/Profs to help you with any difficulties? Do students form study groups easily?</li>
<p>Well that all depends on the student(s). If the student initiates the talks between the TA’s and Professors, then there will be no barrier between them. If the student feels lazy and doesn’t feel the need to get others help, then it will be difficult to take care of any difficulties
<p>Students do form groups very easily because they initiate them through the class communication section where you can send out an email to all your classmates. I would say most often the girls are the ones getting together to study and such.</p>
<li>Are all of your courses taught by TA’s? If so, were they good teachers?</li>
<p>Most often, the labs and the Recitation classes (supplement courses for Chem, etc;) are taught by TA’s. The most frequent complaint i have heard from my friends about their TA’s is that they are really bad at grading which is quite often true for new TA’s. However as the semester progresses, the grading will get better as will their teaching skills. I found that my TA’s were more helpful in taking care of small problems i had than the professors themselves.</p>
<li>We all know that sports reigns supreme. Were there other avenues of entertainment available to you? Music, theater, Outdoor activities (kayaking, hiking, etc)?</li>
<p>There is always something going on at FSU. Music is always playing in the courtyard, there are movies playing everyday/weekend at the theater we have on campus. If your son is interested in outdoor activities, then i would suggest he find some clubs to join which will allow him to engage in those type of activities.</p>
<p>Link here: [Florida</a> State University Campus Recreation](<a href=“http://fsu.campusrec.com/]Florida”>http://fsu.campusrec.com/)</p>
<p>Hope that helped,