<p>First off, I'm going not going into the sciences. Im going into the liberal arts.
I took Physics B as a junior. Now I'm a senior and signed up for Physics C because I did well. But then my dad (an engineer) found out and went crazy saying, why are you taking C? You're not gonna be an engineer or anything, I think it's a waste of time. So he's telling me to take AP ES.
But I hear APES is not looked upon well by adcoms....
Is that a good idea? I dunno. help please!</p>
<p>It makes no difference in admissions. It's even less relevant because you're not going to be a science major. So it really doesn't matter.
But Physics C is also harder than Enviro Sci, so it would be smarter on your part to take ES, unless you think you'd enjoy physics more and you could still do well in it.</p>
<p>Take the class which interests you more. Admissions people won't say, "Oh no, he took AP Environmental Science, DENIED!"</p>
<p>Take AP Physics. It will show you took the hardest course load possible.</p>