<p>So I just got Email 4/4. And now I have a few questions about U of M's process of checking the status of your application:</p>
<p>1) I just now got my UMID. And in the email it says to put that on anything you send in. Well I sent all my stuff in a week ago, without this ID. Do I need to call them and inform them that none of my stuff has the ID on it? Do I need to send everything again with the ID? (That would be stupid).</p>
<p>2) Do you really have to wait 14 days to check WA? I mean like will I screw something up if I, say, checked TODAY? ;)</p>
<p>Sorry if these have been asked, I couldn't find anything. Thanks.</p>
<p>u can check today, but it wont say theyve got your stuff until at least three weeks (for me it was 3 weeks and change) since they got all ur ****</p>
<p>I think that email stating to put the UMID number on correspondences means any "future" correspondences. Not what you have already sent in. </p>
<p>FYI...My daughter never received email 4 of 4 and waited over 23 business days before calling the admissions office. (They have always been VERY pleasant when she has called them) They told her it had been emailed to her over two weeks ago. She was checking her email and spam daily so it just never got to her for some reason. They said they would resend it...that was about a week ago and she still has not received 4 of 4 email. They told her yesterday not to worry about not getting the email at this point. They gave her her UMID number on the phone and she has had everything in for a couple of weeks. </p>
<p>I'm not 100% sure but I don't think a orgre will jump out of your computer if you check early. I have heard that some people have and some people can get in and others cannot. I think it just gives UM set up time. Just my thoughts.</p>
<p>haha nope, no ogre problems problems for me.</p>
<p>i applied November 12th and got email 4/4 today.</p>
<p>but mannn my address is all screwed up. i gave them my temporary overseas address and permanent MI address but now the only one showing up on WA is my permanent one. and the whole point of putting that address was so that i could get MI residency, but they've already determined on WA that I'm OOS. oh well, that will get worked out. im just worried that they're gonna send things to my MI address... so that I won't get anything. convenient, eh?</p>
<p>chriscap - I'm interested in hearing how you plan to get MI residency. We are in a similar situation - living temporarily overseas. When we visited UM they told us the only way we could get instate residence was to graduate from a Michigan high school. Even if we move back to MI the fall she starts we can never change her OOS status. We have rental property in MI but no residence and we only pay part year taxes, so it will be difficult to argue.</p>
<p>Now according to the specifications outlined on this page, and the Application for Resident Classification:</p>
<p>You may be able to retain your eligibility for resident classification under the conditions listed below if you are domiciled in Michigan as defined by University Residency Classification Guidelines and leave the state for certain types of activities. However, if you have been absent from the state, you must file an Application for Resident Classification by the appropriate filing deadline to request resident classification and demonstrate your eligibility.</p>
<p>b. Absence Due to Temporary Foreign Assignment</p>
<p>If you are a dependent student domiciled in Michigan with your parents immediately preceding an absence for a temporary foreign assignment with a parentÂ’s Michigan employer, you may retain your eligibility for resident classification provided (1) your family members hold temporary visas in the foreign country, and (2) you return directly to Michigan and remain in the state for educational purposes after leaving the foreign country.</p>
<p>So as of now, we're 99% sure that I will still be classified as a resident. We've lived in Europe for 3 years and its all through my father's MI employer. And so you know, the deadline for the Application for Resident Classification is next fall, just before the start of the fall term. So no worries for now, I suppose. </p>
<p>Thanks - I think we've been out of Michigan too long to argue that it's temporary - we left in 1997 for 3 years in the UK and haven't returned yet - went on to Germany and China. I will look into it a little more but I don't think there's much hope - especially since we only have rental property in the state and pay part year resident taxes.</p>