Question conserning the amount of standardized tests

<p>Okay, I come from a country in which we don't speak English and it has no close connections to anglo-saxon culture. Therefore taking some 'American' exams are hard. I'm planning to apply into Ivy League colleges, etc.. So my question is do I have to take both SAT and ACT? I would have only time to take SAT. Does it really matter if I take only the other one?</p>

<p>Plus I'm able to take 2 SAT II's. Should I take 3 of them? Is there a big disadvantage if I take only 2 of them?</p>

<p>you can choose SAT or ACT… some people do better on one, versus the other.
as for SATIIs, it depends on which school. Harvard and Princeton want 3. I’m sure some others do too. So make up your college list and visit their sites.</p>

<p>^ yes… that is correct. </p>

<p>Please be sure that you can do extremely well on the SATs. The Reading/Writing portion are not a tests that can be studied in a short time. They try to measure English proficiency at college level, and the average score for the SAT is several hundred points short for the Ivy League level colleges.</p>

<p>take either the SAT or the ACT. and excel in your SAT IIs. gl.</p>