Question directed towards im_blue!

<p>Hey im blue, i was wondering how Cal Poly SLO students do in graduate school at Stanford? Do they perform up to par or are they trying to catch up with the other students. I know Cal Poly is set up more around practical than theory which could hurt students entering grad school. Since Stanford is my dream school, I wanted to know if Cal Poly prepares their students for Stanford. Thanks alot im blue!</p>

<p>Hey there, ucwannabe! in the future, you can send questions addressed to specific folks via the private message function... Just find one of their posts, click on their username that's in blue to the left of what they typed, and click on "Send a private message to ______". It sends them an e-mail that they have a private message that they need to check, and that way you don't have to post to the public forum. =)</p>