<p>I'm thinking of applying ED to Tisch this fall (current junior.) My question concerns the portfolio: does anyone submit anything other than a film and still get admitted? Also, can someone send me a copy of their dramatic essay, so I can see the standard? My stats are subpar but I'm hoping that with a strong portfolio and attendance to this summer's film school (that is, if I get in...) will help me get admitted. Thanks for your help.</p>
<p>I applied to the Film/TV major in Tisch which I am assuming you are applying to because of what you need in your portfolio. I am still waiting on a decision for Apr 1, but I did submit a 10 page short story along with my dramatic essay rather than a film. I will let you know if I get in to help you out.</p>
<p>I've heard of people accepted from submitting a series of photographs or a series of paintings. I'd say, whatever you do submit- if it isn't a film, make sure that it tells a story. I think for the film program at Tisch, they want to see potential in storytelling, so make it interesting. It's great to have technical skill, but that's what college is for, to learn and fine tune it. </p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>Hi, I go here now, class of '10. Give up. The admissions people search this site and look up people and their posts. SO many kids who did this last year got rejected because of it because it is against school policy.</p>
<p>what is against school policy? asking about portfolio submissions?</p>
<p>i'm confused.</p>
<p>to Housepetmarla:</p>
<p>The Op wrote," Also, can someone send me a copy of their dramatic essay, so I can see the standard? My stats are subpar but I'm hoping that with a strong portfolio and attendance to this summer's film school (that is, if I get in...) will help me get admitted."</p>
<p>As a calm adult, I re-read it and surmised that the OP could mean exactly what he said. He wanted to see the "standards" expected by viewing a winning essay.
But it could be misconstrued to mean he'd use the shared essay in his own dramatic portfolio. And that's why #4ld10lmp jumped up and down in Post #4</p>
<p>ld1olmp -- Please be in the moment, here. Everyone is hanging on whether or not they got in, whether their Finaid will enable them to go, crying, checking mailboxes...
If you use a pronoun like "IT" to refer to a rescindable offense, please instead use a subject not a pronoun next time, ok?</p>
<p>Many raw nerves out here; please understand and don't write to excite.</p>
<p>OR, if it's actually against NYU policy to view each others' winning essays, then say that clearly. Perhaps it is. In which case ld1olmp is sharing a very important word to the wise for next year's applicants.</p>
<p>Either way...please take a moment to write things clearly if you want to be truly helpful to next year's applicants.</p>
<p>I submitted essays and got admitted, so I don't see why you shouldn't if you send in something good. :)</p>
<p>Im desperate to get into Film and Television at Tisch! So as a junior Im taking AP classes, I have a 3.5 and I made a 30 on the ACT. I do lack in the resume department though. I don’t know how I’m supposed to build up a great resume when the city I live in lacks serious film programs in the schools and in the city. The most of the things I’ve made have been political satire pieces for my government class that I film on my digital camera. I also lack the resources to make a movie fit for a film festival! I was hoping being a poor hispanic girl can help get me, but now I think it really wouldn’t help since other kids have been saying they’ve already won awards for their movies and other related things. So how amazing must your resume be? How far do the admissions people go to look into your situation?</p>
<p>lampoonlion, you just answered your own question by telling the admissions about your desire and story when you apply next year. You’re a junior, you can change the course of the story by doing something, and I mean now.</p>
<p>In your essay, write something about your desire to come to a prestigious school for film even though your high school program is not preparing you in such field. Pump your resume with volunteer work at museums, art or film festival. You might want to sponsor a video clip contest in your school or invite a local celebrity, tv newscaster to come to your school and talk to students about their work. Get the local cell phone company or BestBuy to help you with the prizes. </p>
<p>There’s a lot of possibilities. Being female Hispanic and low socio economic is already a plus for minority scholarships. Get your grades all up, good to excellent SAT I and subject tests scores. Good luck!</p>
<p>Attending the Summer Film Program definitely helps A LOT. Like most of the ED applicants for film this year I noticed were from the Summer Program and they all mostly got in. I didn’t go though, wish I did.</p>
<p>Thanks! I’ll talk to my principal and some of my teachers to see if they can help me get a contest started. I also applied for the summer program Tisch offers, so I have me fingers crossed!</p>
Did you get ever get accepted?</p>