Question for anyone who has experience with the computer science courses

<p>I’m an incoming freshman, looking to maybe take a computer science class next semester, just because I like the subject. I’m majoring in ChemE.
I took AP Computer Science in high school, and I’m pretty sure I passed the AP test. But I wouldn’t say I know a ton about computers. I don’t do any kind of programming outside of what I did in that class. But passing the AP test means that I have credit for CS 150, 160, and 250. However, I don’t think I actually know the stuff covered in 150 or 250, because according to the catalog description, those classes use Python, whereas the AP course uses Java.
So basically my question is: do you think I’d really be ready to jump straight in CS 350? 350 is a Java class, but it also says that it “builds on concepts from CS 150 and 250”. If not, what might be the most appropriate computer science course for me to take?</p>

<p>If you think you’re missing a language, then you may want to take one (maybe not all three) of the classes that AP gave you credit for. Which class initially teaches Python? CS150??</p>

<p>Python is easy to learn if you’ve programmed in Java or C++. I wouldn’t worry about that. CS 150 makes people use vim and the Unix environment, which I doubt you’ve used. I’m under the impression that you should be fine going into CS 350. Although if you could take C++, I would recommend it for the sake of learning another language (that’s also used more often in industry). If you want to learn Python, CS 260 can be an opportunity to make yourself learn it while learning some theoretical ideas about CS beyond programming (the textbook is written for Python programmers, but Professor Brown accepts code written in all kinds of languages).</p>

<p>This thread may help some too, IneedaMascot:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks, everyone!
Vlines, big thank you for linking me to that thread!
It sounds like I’ll be fine taking CS 350 if I want to take it. Now the only concern is that it’s only at 8 AM, lol.
I guess we’ll see how things work out at Bama Bound. I have a list of other classes that also interest me, so it all depends on how the scheduling pans out.
Thanks again, y’all!</p>

<p>Or I could do CS 351, which is C++, and would teach me a new language. It’s also slightly later, at 9:30. haha</p>

<p>Tell you what, if you take the CS 350 at 8am TR, I will connect you with my son so the two of you can work together and make sure you get up for the class!!</p>

<p>A CS minor along with the Chem E would probably be a nice thing to have.


<p>You would only need 4 classes to get it. (260,350,315,360)</p>

<p>web link: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I think that the 351 was full, and that is why my son did not take that one. I could be mistaken though!</p>

<p>Yes, I just checked, 351 is closed. And I have not seen the numbers go up at all over the past 3 weeks.</p>

<p>260 is still open…</p>

<p>Interesting to know that I only need four classes for the minor. Now it sounds like it would be a really good idea for me to take either 350 or 260 so that I can see if that’s something I really do want to pursue. Like I said, my CS background isn’t extensive. Right now, I THINK I like it, but I’m afraid that could easily change.</p>

<p>How did you do in your AP CS class?? And how do you do in Math? My guess on the math is that you are pretty good, considering the Chem E Major. </p>

<p>My son is planning on CS Major with double in Math/ MS in CS. And he is looking forward to it. I would need to be medicated to do that!! But his mind seems to think that way. </p>

<p>If you are coming in with a number of credits from AP’s, those 4 classes would be pretty easy to fit in.</p>

<p>My daughter is getting a minor in CS. In addition to the classes listed above, you will also have to take MATH 301 Discrete Mathematics. It is a prerequisite for CS 360. I don’t believe that math is part of the ChemE major. So you would need 5 classes…still very doable.</p>

<p>I always had an A+ in my AP class, and I walked away from the AP exam very confident that I got at least a 4. But I give my teacher most of the credit. He was such a good teacher who explained things so well that I rarely didn’t understand a concept after the first time he explained it.
And yes, math comes pretty easily to me, though I really wouldn’t care to major in it.
BamaMomof3-thanks for the info about the math class. You’re right, that one isn’t required for ChemE.
Like I said, I think I’ll probably sign up for one of these classes, and we’ll see where it takes me. :)</p>

<p>Bamamomof3- it would be nice if they would point that out on the web page for everyone! Thanks for chiming in! </p>

<p>Good luck Mascot- if you do sign up for the 8 am class, let me know. </p>

<p>Which dorm will you be in?</p>

<p>I’m in Ridgecrest South-North Tower.
By the way, I’m fairly certain I’m already Facebook friends with your son (I hope that doesn’t sound too creepy, lol).</p>

<p>No, not creepy! And I thought you might be. He talks about knowing a number of chem e majors starting this fall. And he is in RCS north too. So you two could take turns dragging the other to class on tues and thurs mornings!! If you take that class that is.</p>