question for CALS non AEM students!

<p>how are you guys planning to satisfy your 55 credit requirement? Im half way done with cornell and i realize i only got 18 credits of CALS. what are you guys planning to take to satisfy? just wondering</p>

<p>are u sure you only have 18 CALS credits? Keep in mind that all biology courses are counted as CALS credits. I also took a lot of nutrition classes.</p>

<p>It’s actually really easy to meet the 55 credit requirement. Like Cornelli said…all Bio courses count for CALS credit. I also took a lot of nutrition and food science classes, a DSoc class and some Earth and Atmospheric Science classes.</p>

<p>yea i have 18 counting all NS and bio classes… since im a bio major concentration in NS. i browsed through the cals course lists and they seem… kinda boring. i might consider dsoc and maybe 1 EAS class and im currently taking a 2 cr horticulture class… i add it up and 55 sure seems like a lot! especially when i want to study abroad</p>

<p>Here were mine, Bio major, micro concentration and minor in nutrition</p>

<p>AEM 210 4
BIO G 101 2
BIO G 103 2
BIO G 404 1
BIO S 999 4 (AP credit)
BIOBM 331 3
BIOBM 332 2
BIOBM 334 1
BIOEE 278 3
BIOGD 281 5
BIOMI 290 3
BIOMI 291 2
BIOMI 409 3
BIOMI 414 3
BIOMI 431 2
FD SC 150 2
NS 115 3
NS 116 1
NS 245 3
NS 275 3
NS 345 3
NTRES 201 3 </p>

<p>58 CALS credits</p>

<p>I can’t seem to fall asleep…so I’ll throw in my CALS credit distribution:</p>

<p>BIO 151 4 (transferred in)
BIO 152 4 (transferred in)
BIOAP 311 3
BIOBM 331 3
BIOBM 332 2
BIOMI 290 3
BIOMI 291 2
COMM 263 3
COMM 352 3
D SOC 220 3
EAS 109 1
EAS 122 3
EAS 154 3
FD SC 150 2
FD SC 250 2
MATH 108 3 (stats course I transferred in)
NS 115 3
NS 331 4
NS 345 3
NS 441 4
SOC 220 3 (transferred in)</p>

<p>Total 61 (14 from outside Cornell)</p>

<p>guys know if we can do S/U on these courses or distribution classes?</p>

<p>Not if they are required for the biology major.</p>

<p>PS. I think the biology major + concentration alone should give you around 35 CALS credits, so you only really need to find 6-8 or so extra classes. If you choose a CALS minor, it makes it really easy. If not, then you need to choose a CALS elective every semester. I knew I wanted to take a statistics course, so I chose AEM 210 because it was 4 credits in CALS and I would highly reccommend it. Ntres201 was also a good class and very easy, just a few 6 page essays. You can also do a second concentration if you want. I had a few friends who did that instead of a minor since the requirements are a little different.</p>

<p>oh im planning on taking biometry 3xx, which will count under CALS so thats good. i wanted a minor but now im planning on studying abroad for a semester and i gave up on that idea. I assume id be busy with my requirements and pre med stuff. Any idea if you can take 2 stat classes? like AEM 210 and Biometry? Would that seem redundant.
i know the s/u thing can’t be done for major but what about distribution, and just fulfilling the 55 cr? that should be fine right. i want to take maybe a history class S/U or language class, hopefully it counts as distribution</p>

<p>If you’re halfway done then I’m assuming you’re a sophomore. I think you might be a little behind in CALS credit, espicially if you want to study abroad. If it helps at all I’m a Junior and currently have 44 credits toward the 55 requirement and after this semester I’ll be up to 57.</p>

<p>You just need to figure out what your priorities are. I’m getting a major and 2 minors and am studying abroad. I decided to drop a second major down to a minor so that I could study abroad and not continue taking a boatload of classes for my senior year. So if studying abroad is important to you then you might want to talk with your adviser and see what they recommend having done before going.</p>

<p>Also, I wouldn’t just hope that things count as fulfilling distributions. Just use CALS Dust to see where you stand with what and then the course roster to see what classes will count towards what distributions. Better than finding out later that a class won’t work for anything.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>The credit for a distribution will only count as CALS credits if the class is offered in CALS. (So a history course may satisfy your social science distribution but will NOT count as CALS credits) The exception would be biology courses, which are listed in both CALS and Arts. I would suggest getting in touch with the lovely ladies in the CALS Registrar or Couseling and Advising office in Roberts Hall. Your credits from studying abroad may count for CALS credits if they match a similar class given at Cornell; however, you will have to ask them about that. They will sit down with you to tell you the best plan to take in order to fulfill the 55 credit rule. You cannot graduate without those credits so I wouldn’t delay this.</p>

<p>Also, if you go OVER the 55 credits in the endowed colleges, you will be CHARGED extra $$</p>