Question for Finance Majors - Computer ("C") Requirement

<p>The course catalog says “Finance majors must complete the “C” requirement by taking one of the following or a similar course approved by the department: AC 389, FI 389, OM 385, or MKT 385.” It doesn’t look OM 385 or MKT 385 are even offered anymore. What would be considered a similar course? Will any “C” course work as with other Business majors? Which department approves - Business or Finance? Any insight on the various course options to complete this requirement with the least stress would be appreciated.</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>My S is a Finance/Econ double major but since he is a 1st year student he has not taken any of these classes so hopefully someone else will chime in here… according to the “checklist” we have the “C” couses he will be taking are ST260 (which he fulfilled with AP Stats), FI 389 and EC 413…hope that helps :)</p>

<p>This link looks more up to date than the checklist we are working from
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Finance and other business majors will have to complete one of the listed courses, most often FI 389. The rationale behind this is that if you’re going to work in business, you need to learn about some of the most commonly used programs. In most cases, those programs are Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and possibly Microsoft Access.</p>