Question for people in cross country or track or any running

<p>i was in cross country in the fall and now i am doing track in spring, but i have been sidelined by plantar fasciitis on multiple races. Do you guys have a way to run through it or any preventative measures. It feels like my tendon is going to snap when i try to run 3 miles under 19 min, but if i run at a slower pace it's all good. Same thing goes when i run 100m; when i sprint it feels like i got stabbed in the foot.</p>

<p>what is your remedy?</p>

<p>my mom has plantar fascitis. she’s in pain alot when she walks. </p>

<p>she bought these gel pads from Scholls that fit into her shoe and relieve some pain. you could also try this shoe store… i forgot its name… its usually found in tx, run by old ppl, really cute store. ill try to rmr and let you know. but they have shoes for ppl w/ planter fasciitus. the only problem is the shoes they sell are slightly heavy.</p>

<p>also, my mom has these lavender booties from the Body Shop. she sticks them in the microvave for a minute, and then wears them. the other thing she does is run her foot over a foot massager from Earth Therapeutics.</p>

<p>good luck getting through this. =\ ive heard its painful, but i hope this helps</p>

<p>oh yeah. she said standing or walking on it for a long time REALLY hurts. so try to avoid that. i know ur a runner and all, but get it checked out by a doctor and see if its safe for u to run.</p>

<p>oh wow! I never knew that that pain was something that’s diagnosed… I just assumed it happened to everyone once in a while o.O I better get that checked out :O</p>

<p>Stretch maybe? Haha sorry I’m not much help…</p>

<p>The worst thing that ever happened to me was my calves cramping up after every interval workout no matter how I try to prevent it. But anyways, you have tried any foot-support like orthotics or gel cushioning?</p>

<p>Definitely look into some form of orthodics; I HIGHLY recommend Superfeet. They are expensive but will work wonders!</p>

<p>RICE: Rest. Ice. Compression. Elevation.</p>

<p>I had plantar fasciitis last year when I ran XC, so I can totally empathize… it hurts like a *****!! But yeah, there are definitely support pads you can buy- or if you can, tape your foot/ankle area before you run.</p>

<p>superfeet? where can i find that</p>



<p>Yeah. I get Charlie Horses too =( I used to be able to run a mile under 8 minutes in 4th grade (pretty fast back then haha). then I started getting cramps… and can barely run a mile in 10 :O</p>



<p>It’s available online from a lot of discount online shoe stores (try zappos) or just go onto the superfeet website and find which one you should get. or talk to your doctor and ask them, they should be in the know</p>