<p>A sequence is formed by repeating the five numbers above in the same order indefinitely. What is the sum of the first 124 terms of the sequence?</p>
<p>A) -2 B) 0 C) 4 D) 124 E) 248</p>
<p>A is correct, but why? I don't understand the explanation. Thanks!</p>
<p>Start off like this</p>
<p>you know there are 5 numbers given so do 120/5 (since 124 is not evenly divisble by 5) and you get 24.</p>
<p>Now, you have 4 more left since you only did the first 120 terms.</p>
<p>Count the first 4</p>
<p>adds to -2.</p>
<p>^Herozero1234 is right since you know already that sequence repeats every 5 terms then</p>
<p>124/5 then we have 120 remainder 4;</p>
<p>Notice those 120 cancell each other out because -2 + -1 + 0 + 1 + 2 = 0;</p>
<p>Now Sequence 121,123,124 = -2,-1,0,1</p>
<p>-2 + -1 + 0 + 1 = -2;</p>
<p>I hope that makes sense
I used to have problems with sequence aswell @ first,but now I am good.</p>
<p>Ok thanks. Also, do you think that it is OK to do the ‘‘tips’’ in Dr. Chung’s in any order you want to before the practice tests, or is there a ‘‘specific way’’ of doing things in Chung’s (like weaknesses first, strengths last or something).</p>
<p>I dont use Chungs since I score below 650 in math, so i use grubers. Not much help on that question^</p>
<p>but heres what i do:</p>
<p>read and do problems on each type of problem on the SAT (rate, proportion, geometric, probability, etc)</p>
<p>Then, take a test in the grubers book.</p>
<p>once i feel ive done a substantial amount of practice, i use the BB.</p>
<p>I recommend using also McGraw-Hills SAT, 2010 Edition I used to have 550 in math now I am scoring 670 average hopefully before exam I will get 700 and up average,since I am studying hard.</p>
<p>I will finish McGrawHills this week then move to grubber.</p>
<p>Ok thanks again. My last math score on a practice SAT from the blue book was a 630, but this was from careless errors. I’m pretty good at SAT math, except with Distance=rate X time stuff, repetitive sequences (I’m ok with geometric), and reading directions (reason for most careless errors for me).</p>
<p>My first SAT i got a 550 in math, then a 570 second time. I took a mock SAT at a prep company after using my grubers for about an hour for 2 days and got a 630 in math. Im hoping it will help me get a 650> on actual</p>
<p>Oh awesome. Same here. You should try Chung’s then. Even though most people say that Chung’s is for people who consistently score at least a 650, I think that the standard should be lowered to about a 600-610. As I mentioned, I usually get in the 630’s-660’s, and the book is great for me.</p>
<p>I am planning to buy book tommrow before exam too :). By the way I also have problems for distance,but I am improving I am using khanacademy and sparknotes and some stuff on internet in order to master distance problems and other types of problems I don’t know.</p>
<p>By the way the blue book is explained from test 3 is explained all of it by khanacademy you should check it it helped me alot in intuition.</p>
<p>[Khan</a> Academy](<a href=“http://www.khanacademy.org/]Khan”>http://www.khanacademy.org/)
Check sat preparations.</p>
<p>I fear there is not enough time for me to get into Chung mode considering that for the next 2 weeks im devoting all prep time to ACT, since its sept 10th. Then, im gonna go hard core for SAT in oct.</p>
<p>Ok thank you.
HeroZero: What use is there in taking both the SAT and ACT? Not to be critical, but just wondering why you made the decision to take both exams.</p>
<p>Well, my scores for the SAT didnt work out as well as I wanted them to so i decided on taking the SAT for the last time in october and then the ACT for the first time in september. I’ve heard a lot of people do better on the ACT than the SAT since ACT is more logic based while SAT is reasoning based. Doesnt hurt your chances to take both.</p>
<p>Oh cool. I’d consider the ACT, but I haven’t had a good science class for like a year and a half. I’ve forgotten almost all of my science stuff. My science class this past year was a class full of unmotivated slackers, including kids who almost ALWAYS ask me for their homework :(</p>
Asking you to do their homework ?
Once a friend(not really a friend) of mine asked me to do his homework because he didnt have time yesterday.</p>
<p>Last time I saw him-- He was in the principal’s office.</p>
<p>the ACT science is not knowledge based. Its simply analyzing graphs and information (2 scientist’s passages on their beliefs and analyzing a conflict). </p>
<p>the major problem people have is time management.</p>