<p>So I applied Early Decision to Hamilton, and I found out I was deferred. I was wondering if anybody knew how many people get accepted to Hamilton after they were deferred? I'm asking this because I know some schools hardly look at the list and some actually use it.</p>
<p>Is being deferred really a list? I’m pretty sure it’s more like, them passing on immediately making a decision on you. I’m sure they’ll reevaluate you once they see all their other applicants.
If you don’t mind, may I ask your stats? I don’t mean to be rude, but I really am interested. If you don’t feel comfortable posting, you can message it to me if you want to.
Either way, I wish you luck. I’m sure Hamilton won’t completely ignore your application now. Write them a letter about your latest achievements, and show that you’re committed to the school still.</p>
<p>I have a really good friend here at Hamilton who was originally deferred ED1. Being a small liberal arts college, Hamilton does place their deferred candidates into the regular decision app group-- and usually with special recognition of their ED status. I would suggest writing a letter to the admissions office to let them know that Hamilton is still your first choice; otherwise, good luck!</p>
My gpa isn’t that good, and that is probably why I got deferred.
gpa - 3.28
Math - 690
CR - 680
Writing - 640
Chem - 710
US - 680
AP Chem - 5
AP US History - 4
Currently taking 1 AP course and the rest are honor courses (our school does not offer many APs)
Private college prepatory school in New England
Many extra-curriculars
First Quarter Grades are all A’s
Varsity Swim Team</p>
<p>I know my stats weren’t that good, and I am surprised I even got deferred, although I would have loved to get in.</p>
<p>I would also like to mention that 3 people from my school applied ED I to Hamilton. One got accepted, 1 got deferred (me), and 1 got denied. The person who got accepted transferred to our school for her senior year with a 4.0 GPA</p>
<p>Hey, I also got deferred, it sucks because I reaallllly wanted to go to Hamilton and now I have to look more closely at my other schools which haven’t really intrigued me. I probably will send a letter to Hamilton expressing my interest and such because I am committed to improving my chances, but I can’t say that I think anything will come of it. Honestly, I was surprised to find out that I was deferred. I have been using these college search people in an effort to find schools that would match my personality/grades, and Hamilton was around a 60% chance that I would get in they said. With ED also, they imagined it would be around 75%, but to no avail. My grades are this if your interested…
gpa: 3.9 out of 5 (weighted of course)
SAT: math-780 CR-660 writing-670
SAT II math 2- 800
bio SAT II-710
bio AP-5
and then first quarter grades included an A+ in BC calc which is a double AP class, an A in psych AP, and then two B+'s and a B in physics honors(same as AP).</p>
<p>I go to a very good public school near Concord MA, with 0 other people from my school applying ED to Hamilton, which I would have thought would increase my chances. What’s more is that for Hamilton’s supplement saying why you want to go to Hamilton, I wrote a whole page single spaced expressing how much I want to go because of their is no word limit (schools usually have around 250 word limit for why you want to go, whereas mine was ~550). </p>
<p>BUT I WILL NOT GIVE UP, I SHALL NOT GIVE IN. this is merely a test. I shall succeed.</p>
<p>My original choice for ED I was Colby, but after seeing Hamilton I knew I wanted to go there. So as my mom asked if I was planning of doing ED II to Colby or some other school, I knew that I wouldn’t. As long as there is a .01% chance that I get into Hamilton in regular decision, I won’t do ED II. One of the worst parts is going onto facebook and looking at the group “Hamilton class of 2013” and seeing over 30 kids in there. It makes me sad :(</p>
<p>did you interview there? your test scores are really good and so is your gpa. what did you say your academic interests were?</p>
<p>i just got deferred from middlebury and since my first choice schools were tied between middlebury and hamilton, i think i’ll apply to hamilton ed2.</p>
<p>I got deferred too. It really made me disappointed. Does anybody know the percent of the deferred applicants that got in at last. I just want to make sure that the defer in Hamilton is not a polite rejection.</p>
<p>Ya, I interviewed twie actually, just to make sure they knew I was really interested. I want to major in Bio or math…as for Pan Xie, I have no idea. But there is a chance, however small it may be, for kingkouture said he knows someone who got in after being deferred.</p>
<p>snoboarder it seems pretty weird that you got deferred because liberal arts colleges, especially ones like hamilton who are strong in english, look for diversity among academic interests and i would’ve thought that a math or science major would’ve gotten in especially with the classes your in. are you in a variety of classes, like ap english or history? and how are your extracurriculuars?</p>
<p>I have a decent amount of EC’s, lots of volunteer work (only one sport tho), and I have taken mainly AE history/English though junior year I was in Honors English. Ya, idk, the college process can be random sometimes, but I can still improve my chances by doing what I can. lala1105, I merely searched Hamilton class of 2013 on facebook and this came up [Login</a> | Facebook](<a href=“http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=104491910450]Login”>http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=104491910450). It was started by a Hamilton professor or something and there’s a good 50 kids in it Ya, I really thought since I wanted to do bio/math that would have helped me since most kids applying to liberal arts want to do english/language/etc.</p>
<p>One thing I thought of - Hamilton got a lot more ED applicants this year, which means they’re not sure if they’re getting a larger applicant pool in general or if there will be less RD applicants. That could explain why it seems that they’re deferring a lot more people.
lala - was your GPA weighted or unweighted? 'Cause that’s a big difference.
snoboarder - it might’ve been your GPA that made them iffy. A 3.9 weighted could mean that you either got some C’s in AP/Honors classes or B’s in normal classes (at least, it would at my school). Your test scores look good. The only advice I can give you is don’t give into senioritis. =]</p>
<p>ya. my gpa definitely could have been better. A 3.9 is around a B/B- in honors or a A-/B+ in AE. most of my courses were honors and I usually get all B’s. And since when was there a Hamilton forum, is it on the MyHamilton thingy?</p>
<p>well my school doesnt do it on the 4 point scale so thats just how it translates…
pretty much i got all A’s junior and all A’s & one B 1st quarter</p>