Question on Algebra-1

This is just cruel. The school should definitely offer him the opportunity to take at least Algebra-1, before claiming he can’t handle it. You could have him take a test to prove to the school he’s ready. I know RSM has course tests he could take.
Stick with RSM, and maybe encourage your son to enter math competitions/tests to prove he knows the subject material. If the school’s still obstreperous, change the school.
And I agree with @momofboiler1 : maturity has nothing to do with mathematical aptitude. In some cases they’re even opposite. :smiley:

Thanks all for your input. It has been beneficial in giving me the strength to advocate for my child. We did approach the counsellor and he offered a seperate course after school that he will have to do on Algebra I after school and then get tested. If he qualifies at the year end, he will be offereed Geometry in 9th grade. The drawback with this approach was that DS will lose time after school for some EC.

So , we went back to the private school, and showed the following in addition to his report card:
-RSM report card where he performed above average in his class
-The gifted clsses report card which was remarkable

They took him back and placed him in Adv Alg I (honors), Adv English (honors) and Advanced Science (honors).