Question on Application Timing?

<p>Okay so I applied to Madison in mid October but my letters of recommendation were not sent in until around November 4th. Does that mean I will be pushed back till the next decision time?</p>

<p>I’m just guessing here, but since letters of recommendation are not a required part of the application, you may be okay. I hope you get your decision sooner rather than later - good luck!</p>

<p>If your letters were not post marked by the 1st, I’m not sure if they’ll use them. You could call and ask if nothing else. Best of luck</p>

<p>Your application shouldn’t be pushed back, as the letters are not required.</p>

<p>If they get the letters before they look at your application they will use them, if they get them too late and you get deferred they will look at them before your final decision.</p>

<p>I don’t know how you would tell whether they looked at all at your application yet though.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for the replies! I talked to my guidance counselor and she said at Madison the letters only really matter if they are otherwise undecided about the application, and it doesn’t matter that much when you get them in.</p>