<p>hi im going to be a senior next year and i have some questions on bio and math subject tests.
i actually took bio, and math l2 last may, while i was preparing for the aps
and i did........pretty bad or just ok. (700 on bio and 750 on math l2)
now im goin to take it again on october (the same tests) and can anybody tell how do you guys study in biology especiaaly?
I was just reading some posts and many people got good scores by only studying for two weeks or so and i felt so inferior right now because i even took ap bio last year....</p>
<p>and can you guys tell me how to also study for math2 im aiming for 800.</p>
<p>I did this for Biology; each step takes from 1 to 2 days.
1. read PR (highlight)
2. re-read PR (notes, quiz, review missed questions)
3. read Barron (highlight and take notes, quiz, review missed questions)
4. re-re-read PR (skip things that you already know, go to the hard stuff, retake ur quizzes)
5. take Barron's quizzes, review those you got wrong; take the practice tests
6. keep taking all the quizzes until you dont miss a single question.</p>
<p>for Math II:
Week One: Read through PR (notes, highlight, quizzes)
Week Two: Read through Barron's (skip the things you don't see in PR, these are extraneous topics.)
Week Three: do PR, Barron, Sparknotes practice tests, review the ones you get wrong.</p>
<p>hope my method helps.
i got a 770 on Bio E and 790 on Math IIC using this method</p>
I was just reading some posts and many people got good scores by only studying for two weeks or so and i felt so inferior right now because i even took ap bio last year....
I only took a introductory course freshmen year.</p>
1. Read PR its nice to have a bio book just in case even if its for better diagrams (i.e. Campbell) For chem, I take notes on a chapter, find the corresponding chapter in the review book and reread that take notes on anything I didn't know before and do the questions.
2. Do the questions as you go along. Make sure to read your notes before you do questions (mad helpful btw). Highlight the missed questions.
3. Read the sections again, do the missed questions.
4. Repeat forever till you get everything right.
5. Approximately 2 weeks before the test (if you're planning to prepare for awhile) take as many practice tests as possible.
basically what anhtimmy said; if you're planning to do anything OTHER than biology, those steps will take more than 1-2 days just in case you didn't get that. </p>
<p>To make you feel better, people study differently. If I focus 1000000000000000 and study for two weeks I could probably do that, but with school and extracurrics etc. until infinity; that was hard. I did terribly to ensure you that you're not the only one. This is the method I'm using for Chem. Yeah and I'm getting everything right in the barron's book unless I make a careless error.</p>