Question on Dual Enrollment

<p>Hello everyone.
I'm currently in high school as a junior and am taking 3 AP classes along with a whole bunch of honors classes.</p>

<p>I'm totally new to this dual enrollment idea which I have heard of just recently.</p>

<p>I would like to know, layman's terms will suffice, on what dual enrollment actually is.
From my point of view, if you're a senior and you have good grades, you get to go to college early while maintaining a few high school courses as well.</p>

<p>My questions are:
-Is dual enrollment good on your transcript?
-Will it affect GPA / Rank? [generally]
-It says there's a fee for tuition, is it expensive?</p>

<p>Also, for my senior year, I currently have planned AP BC Calc, AP Physics, Honors English, and then 3 empty slots. [This can be filled with AP Statistics, AP Chemistry, or AP Gov't and Politics] Would it be better to take a DE course in engineering [my aspired major] or to just take the six classes listed above?</p>

<p>This seems so complicated and I have so many questions, so please bear with me if I'm difficult.</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>-one last note: where can I take dual enrollment classes? From my research it seems only my local community college offers them, and I think it would be nice to go to a more...achieving college for my classes. [So, will all colleges generally offer DE?] Rutgers in Piscataway / New Brunswick (NJ) would be a nice location, but I currently haven't found any signs of DE offerings there. If you find anything, please let me know!</p>

<p>I’m currently in Dual Enrollment as a senior for Government. I’ve heard it looks good, but depends on where you are intending on going to college. It does not affect my GPA/rank in any way, but that could be different in your area. I paid a 150 dollar fee at the local college to take it.</p>

<p>Be aware that usually, you only get credit for DE if you don’t use the class as a graduation requirement. (I am so I won’t get credit for it at most of the places I’m applying.) However, most colleges enable a placement exam to be taken. I do, however, have to send a transcipt from the college to whatever school I go to next year.</p>

<p>I’m am currently doing Dual Enrollment at my school and from what I’ve heard it does look good on your transcripts. At my school it does not affect your GPA or rank, you just have to maintain a C or higher in the class to continue in the program. Many colleges accept the credits, depending on the university you attended (they may not accept community college credits though). </p>

<p>If you’re school doesn’t already offer the DE program, I would assume that you would have to pay for it.</p>

<p>I’m a dual enroll student with the local state university. The class doesn’t show up on my high school transcript or affect my GPA/rank. It cost me $1300 for a 4 hour class, so pretty expensive, but I think this credit will transfer wherever I attend next fall.</p>