Question on Honor Dorms and South Quad

Before I get my D23 to start working on her LSA honor app essays, I have just a few questions:

  1. Google searches on South Quad all says it’s the best due to central location to classes, dining hall, etc. But there’s no AC. Is AC really required? Or do most students go out and buy or rent a portable unit for the warm month (Aug)? Or is this not even an issue since August seems to be the only warm month of the year?

  2. South Quad has athletes. My D23 is very pretty and living in such close proximity to all the football/basketball players doesn’t sit well with me. So I don’t see how this can be a positive. Or are they all in a separate wing, far away from the girls dorms?

  3. If she opts out, will she get a chance to apply for specific dorms like West Quad or is it pretty much all random?


I don’t think most people consider South Quad to be the best. West Quad, Alice Lloyd, etc., are usually preferred. But because it’s random, the security of being guaranteed one of the Central Campus dorms through honors is attractive to a lot of people.

My daughter lived in South Quad her freshman year. The floors are not in any way segregated by gender. Your daughter could live next to and across from males. If you have personal concerns about her safety living in mixed-gender situations, you should look at something like Martha Cook or one of the other female-only buildings. They are not highly sought after, so typically easier to get, but they people who choose them seem to like and appreciate them. If she doesn’t live in honors housing, she won’t get preferential treatment otherwise.

The lack of air conditioning is pretty miserable for the first month. My daughter and her roommate had 5 fans and it was still extremely hot. Portable units are not allowed except in the case of a documented disability.

  1. You can’t bring in your own a/c unit. There could be some hot days. You live through it. If she must have a/c due to a disability/disease, then she can put in a medical request documented by a doctor.

  2. Are you worried that athletes are going to sexually assault your daughter because she is pretty? You do realize sexual assault has nothing to do with the victim’s appearance. And anyone can be a perpetrator. Keeping your daughter far from athletes is not a defense against sexual assault.

  3. You do not get to choose your dorm. It’s random unless you apply and are accepted to a living-learning community, like honors, Lloyd Scholars, WISE, Residential College, etc.


Ummm, what?!?


I appreciate all the helpful responses. Thank you!

@brantly Sexual assault wasn’t my concern with regards to my question. I know sexual assault is a possible danger in almost any/all situations, even with people she would know well. I do appreciate your lesson on the topic though. Thank you for that.

I know UMICH is a very high caliber school with a lot of high caliber student athletes. But I’m a former HS/college ball player myself and I know how guys can be (esp mixed with alcohol). I just don’t need her to have to deal with that. She deals with it enough during her HS seminar classes (she tells me almost regularly guys (mostly ballers) would get pushy and keeps bothering her when she tries to do her work). If she had a choice of living with a bunch of nerds vs. athletes, she’d prefer nerds (and I know UMICH is full of smart nerds). :slight_smile:

Martha Cook it is! Thank you for this info!

For anyone reading, I wanted to clarify something: Michigan housing technically isn’t random. Students are able to express which kind of room, what location, and which dorm they prefer. But because almost everyone requests the same thing (a double in a mixed gender building on Central Campus), for all intents and purposes, it ends up being random for most students because Michigan can’t satisfy all of those requests.

Single gender housing like Martha Cook or Betsy Barbour are not nearly as sought after. Students who request those living situations are far more likely to have their requests granted.


So West Quad has athlete’s also. There are “lots” of attractive men and women on campus. I really can’t recall like ever an issue with a Michigan athlete. I know there was a case of one in an relationship, they were dating.

This actually wouldn’t be a concern even if my daughter went there. I have known attractive young women at Michigan and never heard of anything like this.

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Since the OP singled out Football and basketball players :thinking:… She should know there are about over 900 student athletes with lots playing at the highest level at Michigan. Lots of “them” will be in your daughter’s classes,on campus, and on the busses daily.

Also… Michigan Nets School-Record Graduation Success Rate in NCAA Report - University of Michigan Athletics


Living in Martha Cook is an option for any woman who prefers a single-sex dorm or just likes the location or gorgeous architecture of the building.

But living there does not mean she will avoid male athletes She’s going to encounter a wide assortment of humans in many, many places on campus. Library, class, buses, events, assigned group projects, walking around, Michigan Union, events.

One positive for her, if she is cool with with Martha Cook, is that she’ll never have to eat meals with men. Martha Cook has its own meal plan, and residents are not allowed to eat any place else.

The university does not somehow prevent Martha Cook residents from eating outside the building. They are allowed to eat wherever they want on campus, but the meal plan for MC residents primarily covers meals at MC. The plan seems to get tweaked each year — in the past residents could use their swipes to have lunch at Bursley and Saturday dinners anywhere, but during Covid access was restricted to keep costs down.

If your daughter decides to live in MC, make sure you understand the meal plan because it can end up costing more if she has to find her own dinner on Saturdays or if she wants to be able to eat on campus with friends.


It’s not somewhere that my daughter would ever have wanted to live, but it’s a great location on campus. Have you guys been to Ann Arbor? Martha Cook was on both tours we took.

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We haven’t visited Ann Arbor yet, but plan to next month during spring break. Looking at the prices, MC is a bit more expensive than others and seem to require some extra activities so I can see why it’s not an attractive option for most.

There are two other female-only dorms on campus. I don’t think either of them has as many community requirements (no afternoon tea!) as MC.

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There is also theme housing you have to be accepted to for like minded students that she might have some interest in. I know there is one for engineering and others that geek out but wonderful kids.

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I’m having trouble parsing what your actual concern is, then.

So could you please unpack your concern a bit? Because judging from the responses here, a bunch of us are flailing around trying to give advice without really knowing what your concern is.


Wise is it and is really really great. They do tons of stuff together and have great seats for the games.

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No concern really. Just didn’t agree with all the websites’/bloggers claims that South Quad is the best (esp for our D23) and worth writing 2 more essays for. CCName explained the draw (guarantees central location). No one is flailing. Everyone has been really helpful here and have answered all my questions. Thanks!

@Knowsstuff Thank you for this! I now see the deadline for applying to WISE is 26 March. D23 will definitely put her name in the hat for this! Thanks!

It’s really wonderful but think they live also in a mixed dorm and you could have athlete’s being part of it. I understand your concern but don’t think it’s actually warranted on Michigan’s campus. Also kids start I think after labor day so a week of warm weather then it’s actually kinda nice on campus when the Temps drop. I know females on campus now, very attractive, and it’s just never been a concern. Kids do grow up from high school. Jerks will be Jerks but they grow up also. Most wouldn’t risk it at Michigan…

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