Did anybody attend the following session?
Maria Vertuno, Director of UChicago Careers in Law; Nancy Schaller, Director of UChicago Careers in Business; Ann Perry, Associate Dean of Admissions at UChicago Law School; and Nahida Teliani, Director for UChicago Initiatives at the Booth School of Business, will comprise a panel discussing how UChicago students fare in applying to business and law school***
Would appreciate a summary of this session if possible
VeryLuckyParent: Another source of information might be to email the presenters. They may even have a slide deck they can email to you.
@kaukauna Thank you. Yes, I have contacted one of the presenters. Hope they respond But if any of the attendees have any insights, would love to hear it as well
I was there. Talked to the presenters for a while afterwards. What are you looking for?
Did they talk about acceptance rates? How many apply?
Was the discussion restricted to admission to Chicago’s law and business schools or was it any Business and law school
Did they share any placement stats?
Did they talk about what makes a competitive candidate, major etc?
Trying to get a sense of what they actually discussed
@VeryLuckyParent They didn’t give specific rates but they did state that UC UGs fare well in the process. They also went into detail about pre-admit programs for both schools that involve scholarships, 50k yr for law and 20k yr for Booth. The booth program requires a couple years of work before returning. The Booth program was offered to 25 kids last year.
They did talk about law school and b school admissions in general and they have some great advising in place to help the kids position themselves for admission. Rates don’t really matter for law or business though since everyone can get in somewhere unlike med school.
A lot of the discussion was about UCIB. That was Nancy Schaller’s part. She’s awesome and would probably be very responsive if you contacted her directly. The law school rep was not the listed person because she was tied up with the Obama visit. Nahida was really nice too and had a lot of good info about the Dugan scholars and booth scholars programs.
For both schools there were a lot of questions about majors and being a competitive applicant. For both the answer was major in anything you want since it really doesn’t matter. For Booth it was clear that you need to go work for a couple years and be awesome at whatever you do. For law school it was noted that a lot of law applicants are now coming in with some relevant work experience too and maybe applying right after UG might not be the best idea. They didn’t give admission rates for either but both are off the charts competitive.
@notveryzen Thank you. Did they say how many are offered admission to the Dougan scholars program?
We tried but no firm answer. Try Nahida directly, she may be more open in a direct communication.