Question on SRAR for multiple schools

When you are applying to multiple schools that require SRAR do you complete it once like with common app or multiple times? Do you use the link the other schools send you or is it done if you already completed for a previously submitted application?

Great question - following.

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If applying through the common app, you fill it out once. The colleges that don’t use it simply don’t download it


You do need to use the link each school sends you to connect them with your SRAR profile, but you only need to fill out the SRAR once as ski mentioned.


To add to that, at least one school I know of, UIUC, has their own SRAR which is separate from the SRAR that multiple schools, like Pitt, NYU, and UTK use. Confusing yes, but important to know wrt UIUC.

Every year I have students who have to enter their courses and grades 3x….in the CA courses and grades section, the multi-school SRAR, and UIUC’s SRAR. It’s ridiculous.


The SRAR is only completed once but it needs to be link to each college application. Linking comes after the college application is submitted and is usually done through the app status portal or via email, but I really recommend that you follow the instructions and track the status of each submission through the main SRAR website. They have a dashboard on the home page where you can add colleges from a list of participating universities and see linking instructions for each one. It also shows you if the SRAR has been sent to the college. This was a game changer for us!

If you’re applying through common app it’s really important that you use the same email address to create the SRAR account. My daughter didn’t do this and we had to contact support to merge our accounts.

Hopefully the other colleges who do their own institutional versions will join the SRAR eventually. I find this frustrating as well.

Hope this helps! Best of luck! :four_leaf_clover:


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