Question on supplement

<p>Hi all,
I was just reviewing the supplement I sent to Stanford. Using the PDF they generated, I found that some of my short essay answers were cut off. Should I be worried, or is this just a website formatting error?</p>

<p>This means you did too much. It said two lines or less. The character limit takes you over.</p>

<p>i had the same problem and cut mine down just to be safe. i think that the PDF that we see might actually be what they end up seeing, because they’re pretty serious about the “two lines” stipulation on the short answers.</p>

<p>hmm… what I meant was for the short essays. I thought those could be as long as you wanted…?</p>

<p>ya… not good.</p>

<p>Btw when they said two lines, they mean two lines on the PDF not two lines in the fill-in box.</p>

<p>yea this is bad!
i had that problem when i first checked my application, but i adjusted it so it worked
that’s why you have to review your application, dear!</p>


<p>How much do you think it would affect me?</p>

<p>probs not that much
if they were going to accept you in the first place, a couple of words aren’t going to change anything</p>