Question on Updating CSS Profile

<p>We filled out the CSS Profile for D's EA schools. Now we need to update it to send to several other schools. I understand that the updated form will only be sent to the schools I have added since we sent it off last time. </p>

<p>When I log back onto the Profile page, the old numbers come up, and give me a chance to change them. My question, maybe silly, is that the Profile assumes that we will estimate our 2008 income, taxes, etc., presumably assuming that most people have to complete this form before they have done their taxes. We have now completed our FIT already for 2008, so the numbers I will supply are not estimates. Does this matter? There seems no way to indicate to the profile that we have completed our taxes (the FAFSA asks this). Should I be filling out a different form, or is this the way it works?</p>

<p>It won’t matter. I think all Profile schools collect your 1040 info & compare it to your Profile, anyway.</p>


<p>You cannot make online corrections to the profile. You need to contact each school and ask how they handle Profile corrections. FOr most schools you need to print out the Profile, cross out and manually make corrections and then mail it to the school. </p>

<p>However, the answer to this question is always to call the school and ask how they want you to handle corrections. Fortunately we only had one Profile school.</p>

<p>You CAN make online corrections to the Profile before sending the Profile to additional schools. Manual updates are required for schools that have already received your Profile (before the updates).</p>