<p>i do not need fin aid. should i send in the fin aid info anyway or not??thanks.interested for hypsm</p>
<p>If there is any chance at all that your financial circumstances may change over the course of the next four or five years, you should complete the financial aid applications. Please be aware that some colleges and universities will not award any need-based aid to students whose circumstances do change but who did not apply for aid at the time of their initial application.</p>
<p>no they won’t change(at least i hope!) should i send it in saying that i do not need fin aid or not??</p>
<p>i mean,we should complete the financial info and send it in anyway or not?</p>
<p>You need to sit your parents (or whoever it is who is going to be paying for your education) down and have a long hard talk about the money. Is the money there? Is there any chance that it might not be there next year, or at some other time during your college education? We don’t know the answer to these questions. Your parents may know them.</p>
<p>If the money is absolutely, rock-solid, and will continue to be that way for the time that you can expect to be in college, then you probably do not need to take the time to complete the financial aid applications.</p>
<p>If however, there is a chance that in the future the money may not be there, then you should complete the financial aid applications. So that the colleges have them on file. So that if things go badly for your family (or whoever is paying) you can go to the college that you have enrolled in and say “Hey, it turns out that this semester/year I want to be considered for financial aid.”</p>
<p>If it were me, I’d file the papers.</p>
<p>hey,that was really helpful!thanks!we do have the money(my father bc my mother is not here) but i will turn in the papers!thanks!but if i turn them in wiil the uni think that i want fin aid and therefore decrease my chances or if i say that i can contribute all the money they will understand?</p>