Question re Communication between campuses

<p>Does anyone know whether admissions in each UC campus are aware of the other UC campuses to which one applies? If so, do they communicate with each other? Or do they assess applications completely independently.
For example, my D clearly favors UCLA over UCB yet still wishes to apply to UCB as we haven’t visited yet and there’s always the chance that something could change her mind if she were to be accepted. She wants to keep options open. But often one is accepted to one and not the other.
Can the schools make a decision based on where else the student has applied, would chances be more solid by applying only to one of those two rather than both?
Looking at Admit records and stats at Ds school, quite a few last year were admitted to one and not the other (including UCB over UCLA) so we were wondering about this. D is ELC if that has any bearing.</p>

<p>My son was accepted to Berkeley and got a hybrid acceptance, as I call it to UCLA, but he was in a unique situation (disabilities student). I know several people in admissions, one a reader and another one in another position of knowledge, and I can assure you that they don't have the time or energy or resources to check all or any 50,000 applicants. If they did, you'd probably get more parallel acceptance/rejection decision. UCLA only recently started the "holistic" approach to admittances, something that Berkeley has practiced now for a number of years. </p>

<p>I tend to think that Berkeley is looking more for the unique person, so they value the essays perhaps a little more than UCLA, which is still more of a numbers game. But there are exceptions.</p>

<p>For ELC, I'm guessing your D would probably have a better chance at UCLA over Berkeley, but I would never, ever say apply to one and forget about the other, because, like I said, that is NOT the considering factor or a factor at all. It's all in the interpretation of the application, and UCLA and Berkeley still have differences in what they are trying to achieve in terms of their applicants.</p>

<p>Although we can check what other schools the application was sent to, we won’t. Even if we did it would never have an impact on the decision of the application. Each UC campus reviews the applications sent to their campus and makes decisions based on their applicant pool, not other campuses decisions.</p>