Question Regarding Campus Safety

Hi Folks,

Case is shaping up to be one of my kid’s top three choices of schools (he’s applying for Fall 2022), maybe even his top choice - he loves everything about it and finds new things to love every day it seems, even interviewed early, just super enthused about the place. So I’ve been looking into the school extensively, and while I am extremely impressed with everything I have seen, and agree that it would be a great fit for my son in all sorts of ways were he fortunate enough to be accepted, I started to become concerned when I saw student safety pop up as a topic in many individual student reviews of their experience there (muggings, etc.).

I was wondering whether some folks (students, staff, parents) could chime in regarding this.

How secure are the dorms and dorm rooms?

How visible is campus security?

Are the safety protocols in place for students returning to their dorms late at night effective?

We live in a not-always-perfectly-safe urban area, and so my kid has learned to navigate that with awareness growing up, and is street-savvy enough to not be stupid while out and about in borderline sketchy parts of town, but I was just curious to hear some perspectives from folks with recent experience, since he is starting to really zero in on Case as a top choice. Wouldn’t be a deal breaker, just wanted to know more.

Thanks everyone.

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See CWRU Frequently Asked Questions - #11 by bopper

At Case Western Reserve University, they offer a number of ways to make you get safely home at night.

Safe Ride, an after-hours door to door on campus shuttle service from 6pm to 3am;

Walking escorts, who will escort you safely to your destination at any time of day;

On-campus shuttles, which take you around campus and to nearby neighborhoods for free;

Emergency Blue Light Phones allows you to contact Campus Police

Rave Guardian App allows you to be notified of campus security issues and other features


Thank you! Much appreciated. Looks like a comprehensive set of options for students. Very reassuring. I need to check if there is something I also missed already posted regarding dorm security. Take care.

Dorm Security:

First-Year Buildings

The Residential Communities below are defined by the Office of Residence Life. During the daytime hours, a resident of one building in a residential community can use their student ID to enter the other buildings in their community. Community access is shut off during the night time hours. This allows all of the residents in a community to interact with their peers and use the different building amenities, such as game tables, within their cluster of buildings.

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And as at any college, don’t let people who you don’t know into the dorm without them swiping in.

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