Question regarding foreign language requirements

<p>I was looking at some of the requirements and saw a section that said if you had 3 years of the same FL in hs - you were exempt. Otherwise - you had to take a year of FL and it does not count towards the 120 credits needed for graduation.</p>

<p>My question is this - my son has had 3 years of Spanish. He took Spanish 1 in middle school and Spanish 2 and 3 in hs. So - he has the 3 years of Spanish - but the first year was technically in middle school - is he exempt? His hs transcript does show the Spanish 1 as it is considered a hs class.</p>

<p>I believe that so long as it shows on his HS transcript, it counts. You should confirm that with the admissions people on your visit to be sure, though. That’s not something you want to have come back and haunt you in your final year!</p>

<p>I took French I as a middle schooler when I was an 8th grader. I took French II and III 9th and 10th grades respectively. All three showed up on my HS transcript to Virginia Tech and I am foreign language exempt. I’m sure he will be as well as long as all 3 years are showing.</p>

<p>Perfect - thank you both. I must say this is one of the absolute best college forums on CC for getting quick answers.</p>

<p>There are a lot of active members in this forum. Most of which are either current VT students (like me) or students who have graduated from Virginia Tech in recent years. Most of the time if you need information, someone here can answer it for you. Feel free to post another topic if you have any further questions.</p>