Question - Why are you all so interested in what college you attend?

<p>Sakky, I wasn’t being as negative about it as you may have made it out to be. Of course people do things that they don’t like because it is a way of getting what they want. What I meant was that one should choose an undergraduate education based on “fit.” For example, people on these boards, including you, talk about schools like Swathmore or Pomona as being good undergraduate institutions. For some, they are great. For me, I would never ever ever EVER want to attend a school like Pomona because it is just too small and boring. That is my personal preference. As we have discussed before, UCLA is not a school for everyone. For me, I think UCLA is the ideal place to study; in fact, it was my first choice school. I really enjoyed the competitive atmosphere and believe it brought out the best in me. Some people would not like that environment and would instead be more comfortable in an LAC type atmosphere. In my opinion, San Diego State University has among the best atmospheres of all schools I have ever visited. Now, almost no one would say SDSU is exactly prestigious but just because one got an education from there does not necessarily mean that they will be less successful than a person who went to Harvard. A person can get just a good an education from SDSU as they can from UCLA, Pomona, or even Harvard. It depends on the person. Just remember what I am saying though: just because a SDSU education can be just as good as a Harvard education does not mean that I think it will provide as many opportunities.</p>

<p>Doing something you like to be happy is the main thrust of finding a good college that fits. Why would you do something that makes you unhappy? Spoiled? I'd have to disagree. It is not always about utility. If you like something and a BA does not help, you can get an advanced degree. If you are unhappy with a major because you picked it for utility, then you're less likely to get an advanced degree or change your circumstances.</p>

<p>The most spoiled generation were the love, free drugs, anti-establishment until they were in power. Come on....that's like saying I didn't inhale to gain a presidency. <strong>Before you flame me, it's just to make a point</strong> Who do you think taught us--our parents, for good or bad.</p>

<p>Just my 2 cents.</p>