<p>does northwestern accept rushed score reports?</p>
<p>Rushed score reports? Not sure what you mean</p>
<p>like on the collegeboard website where you can pay extra to have scores sent in 2-3 days instead of 3-5 weeks</p>
<p>Hmm...it's hard to say with Northwestern. Your best bet is to e-mail the admissions office and ask them for yourself. </p>
<p>Best of luck!</p>
<p>of course they accept rushed score reports... "rushed" just has to do with the way they are mailed...</p>
<p>Actually, some schools do not accept rushed reports for some reason. I am unsure about Northwestern. Collegeboard usually specifies.</p>
<p>hm, then i don't know, but i think i remember rushing mine when i applied to transfer</p>