

<p>I am a sophomore and I made a 35 on the ACT on my first try and a 2210 on the SAT also on my first try. How are my prospects college-wise? Should I even try taking the ACT again?</p>

<p>Thanks for your advice!</p>

<p>35 ACT is perfect for any college, even the Ivies. Good for sophomore year.</p>

<p>I got a 35, but intend on taking it again, because I know it was just a fluke and I should have gotten a 36 (I want a news story about me! =-)).</p>

<p>You could take again, if you feel like it. Just make sure you don't go down, that would be really bad.</p>

<p>Hey, you're really smart. Good job and i def. think you shouldn't take them again. Take SAT's again if you really want to, but ACT is solid good!</p>

<p>If you want to take it again, go ahead: colleges only see the scores you send them when it comes to the ACT.</p>

<p>However, a 35 is very impressive and I see no real need to take it again unless you absolutely want to be into the top top top Ivies like Harvard and Princeton and want an extra edge. 35 is already outstanding and is competitive for every school in the country, including the top top Ivies. If you're sure you can get a 36, tohugh, then by all means, take it again if you want that 36.</p>